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failure is not right.jfif

''I would say to the house... that I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat. We have before us an ordeal of the most grievous kind. You ask, what is our policy? I will say it is to wage war, be sea, land and air, with all our might and with all the strength that god come give us; to wage war against a monstrous tyranny, never surpassed in the dark, lamentable catalogue of human crime. That is our policy. You ask, what is our aim, I can answer in one word; it is victory, victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory, however long and hard the road may be, for without victory, there is no survival'' 

Throughout Winston Churchill's life, I have been able to acknowledge throughout my readings the constant personality traits that he possessed  during his life. Resilience, endurance, perseverance and a thirst for success were among many that I was able to observe filter through his works and actions. I am sure you will agree as I take you on the journey of Winston Churchill's career that he was by far one of the  world's most notable human beings. 


Characteristic straits can be observed as early on in  his childhood, where he struggled academically through his school life. Having failed two attempts to being admitted into the Royal Military Academy in Sandhurst, his grit and display of endurance to keep trying and trying again saw him finally admitted into this prestigious college. These knockbacks built his character up in laying the pathway for Britain's most prominent political figure.  


During 1895 to 1909, Churchill was commissioned as second lieutenant in the British Army. It was here that he travelled around the world learning and delving into the world of politics. This was supported by his thirst for reading the likes of Plato and  Charles Darwin to name a few. During this period of time, he was assigned as a journalist that paved his path to his infamous writing career. At the age of 25, Churchill became a member of Parliament. It is here that we begin to see the makings of a true admirable strong leader with the beginnings of his first opposed Aliens Bill,  which was an act to curb Jewish migration and to enforce racial prejudice. 


Solid dedication to his role, Churchill was appointed president of the Board of Trade. He was just 33 years old  and he was the youngest cabinet member since 1866. What I believe made Winston Churchill stand apart from his peers was his reputation as the champion of social reform. His greatest achievement at this time was his introduction of the'' Mines Eight Hour Bill'' which legally prohibited miners  working more than an eight hours a day. He also introduced the ''Trade Board's Bill ''which prosecuted exploitative Employes. Another tremendous achievement was his ability to pass with a  large majority of support, the principal of minimum wages and the right of workers to have meal breaks. To add to his records he also passed the Labour Exchange Bill which supported the unemployed population in finding employment. 


During WW1 Churchill resigned from Government and rejoined the army whereby he was  exposed to the cruelties of war. He soon  returned to England in May 1917 and was appointed a Minister of Munitions. He threw himself into politics yet again and created the League of Nations to prevent future wars. As a result of his contribution to Britons and welfare of its people he was awarded ''The Companions of Honour'' an award for outstanding achievement. 


On a lighter note Churchill stepped out of politics and Parliament for about 2 years and devoted his life to painting and writing memoirs. But this was short lived as he returned back into politics in 1924. Over fifteen years Churchill took different political responsibilities until 1939 when Britain declared war on Germany. He was appointed into Chamberlain's war cabinet. The most significant event in Parliamentary history called the Norway Debate saw Churchill become Prime Minister due to the loss of confidence from the Chamberlain leadership. 


From 1940 to 1945, not only was Churchill the Prime Minister of a country in war, he also took on the role of Minster of Defense making him the most powerful war time Prime Minister in British history. He prepared the British people for a long hard war and it is here that I bring you back to my first paragraph where you can refer to his fist speech as Prime Minister delivering these strong emotive words to the commons on the 13th May . It was his resilient, persistent and fight for victory for his people that lead him through the perils of WW11 . 


In conclusion based on the facts you have read, not only was  Winston Churchill  the greatest British Political  Leader  he also championed social reformed  across the country , he improved the conditions of the working class ,he reduced the state pension from 70-65 years old , he implemented  immediate provision of widow pension these are just  some of the  other great achievements he accomplished that many of us are unaware of. I therefore firmly believe that without a doubt he is the most notable of characters in history.  

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