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The Big Question

Winston Churchill had inspired not only me but everyone with his amazing speeches, inspiring quotes and courageous leadership. He had shown resilience, endurance and perseverance throughout all his life and winning all seven awards because he never gave up and worked hard for the awards. Throughout my time researching Winston Churchill, I have learned and understood everything about how he changed society but that didn’t just help his country but everyone else in the world. He deserves to be notable for his massive achievements.  

He was born in 1874 and was brought up in an ancestral home with his brother jack, his father Randolph Churchill and his mother Jennie Jerome. He wasn’t an academic child and had struggled a lot in school and had a lot of knockbacks from the school of his dreams The Royal Military Academy until he had enough and had tried 2 attempts at the school and have failed until he tried one last time which finally got him accepted into the school, this is where one of Winston Churchill quotes come in handy which is ‘’ Never Never, Never, Give Up’’ and those knockbacks lead a pathway for the most prominent political leader in Britain. At first, he had a sense of trepidation working and training with his future soldiers until he got the motivation to go to war, in 1895 to 1909 he was commissioned second lieutenant in the British Army and went travelling around the world leaning and digging into politics, during that period Winston Churchill was a journalist and had begun his infamous writing career from reading Plato and Charles Darwin. 

At the age of 25 Winston Churchill was a member of Parliament and was a true admirable and courageous leader for his country. Solid dedication to his role Churchill had been appointed president of the Board of Trade. As he was 33 years old, he had become the youngest cabinet member since 1866. One of Winston Churchill tremendous achievements was the Eight Hour Bill which had changed the life of miners forever, which had legally prohibited miners working eight hours per day as well as that he also introduced the Trade Board’s Bill.  

1908 was probably the best day of Winston Churchill’s life, it was when he got married. Winston Churchill had married a lady named Clementine and after they got married, she had five kids Randolph, Mary, Sarah, Diana and Marigold Churchill for Winston Churchill it must’ve been hard raising five kids, but it must’ve been the best years raising them. 

  During WW1 Winston had truly resigned from the government and rejoined the Army where he was exposed to the cruelties of war. He returned soon after the war in England on May 1917 and was appointed the Minister of Munitions. 

 After all that Winston Chruchill had thrown himself back into politics and had created the League of Nations to prevent future wars. As a result, to his contribution to Briton and welfare of its people he was awarded The Companions of Honor which is an award for tremendous achievement.  

  When Winston Churchill was in his 40s, he stepped out of politics and devoted 2 years to writing and painting. At the start of his painting career, he was an accomplished painter and was going on to be a prolific painter but only painted one picture because in 1924 Chruchill had finally returned to politics. Fifteen years later Winston Churchill had taken different responsibilities to his political career until 1939 when Britain declared war on Germany.  

Churchill was then appointed into Chamberlain’s cabinet. One of the most significant events in Parliamentary history was called the Norway Debate and saw Churchill become Prime Minister due the horrible loss of confidence from the Chamberlain leadership. 

From 1940 to1945 Winston Churchill was not only the Prime Minister but the Minister of Defense which made Winston Churchill the most powerful Prime Minister in British history. Winston Churchill had prepared the people for a long, hard and miserable war and had used very strong emotive words for the people they could be confident for WW11 and fight for their country and to get ready for what's about to happen. 

1950 to 1955 Winston Churchill had once again become Prime Minister. And in that period, he had won the Noble Prize for Literature in 1953 for his mastery of historical and biographical description and had been nominated four times. 

1953 June 23rd Winston Churchill had many severe and serious strokes one includes making one side of Winston Churchill’s body becoming particularly  paralyzed he finally recovered by November and at that moment Churchill had finally retired as Prime Minister in April 1955. 

In June 1962 Winston Churchill had fallen in Monte Carlo and had broken his hip, he was flown back to England hospital and remained there for three weeks, and his life was never the same after that accident.  12th of January 1965 Winston Churchill had suffered final stroke. He had died two weeks later on the 24th which was the seventieth anniversary of his father’s death. 

 The connection between Winston Churchill and I, I have found as I reflect upon myself, is the ability that when we experienced  knock backs, we persevere and get back   up on our feet. Winston experienced the knock backs when he was trying to get into the Royal Military Academy and for me, it was my basketball experience. Another connection I feel is important to express, was Winston’s ability to aid and assist with improving the lives of others, an important goal of mine with the disability sector in particular improving the lives of adults with autism enabling them to live the best life they can. For me his actions during the course of his life have proven to be inspirational and encouraging 

Overall, I think that Winston Churchill is the most confident, most inspirational and most tremendous notable ever. I am so lucky that I get to represent Winston Churchill as my notable and that he has change the world for everyone, even me. 

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